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"Breeding for quality and diversity."
Maple Hill Cattle Dogs
Australian Cattle dogs (AKA: ACD, AuCaDo, Heelers, Hall's Heelers, Queensland Heelers, Cattle Dogs) Are a high energy breed. They are tenacious, intelligent, athletic, and talented in many fields. See the rest of this page if you think an Australian Cattle Dog might be for you.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. As a breeder, it is my pleasure to educate and help those with an interest in this breed.
About This Great Breed
The Jist:
The Australian Cattle Dog is extremely intelligent, active, and sturdy. They are loyal and protective of family. They can be suspicious of strangers. Heelers do best when they have a job to do. They enjoy being a part of all family activities. Herding is this breed's expertise, however, the Australian Cattle Dog does well at most canine sports such as agility, obedience, rally, flyball, and disc. Some even excel as hunting and retrieving dogs!
ACD puppies are born white.
A blue heeler holds the world record for oldest dog (29yrs).
Commonly, heelers are blue or red. But they can also be chocolate, slate and lilac.
ACDs thrive in high heat, and freezing weather.
ACD should never be shaved due to their double coat.
ACD usually choose one person to adore over all others.
ACD typically live 13-15 years.
Dingos, dalmations, bull terriers(discarded lines), kelpies and random ranch mutts all helped make this breed.